DRIVE ARRIVE executive transfers
Booking System & Prices
Booking System:
We have a dynamic & secure cloud booking system that instantly & automatically generates fares using a pricing formula based on the fastest mapped distance from your pick up to drop off.
Many private hire operators still handle your bookings & confirmations manually which is slow, inconsistent & could lead to errors. Our system provides our chauffeurs, passengers, PA's and bookers with interactive portals, apps & .pdf confirmations which keep them updated at every stage of a hire.
It's the 21st Century, reassurance & efficiency is vital, & actually expected where important travel is concerned.
In terminal meet & greets at airports are chargeable & covers car parking up to the first 1 hour after landing. At Stansted and Luton many clients prefer the cheaper & faster scoop up method outside the terminal.
The London Congestion Charge & the Dart Crossing etc are charged at cost.
A minimum fare of £78 applies for any single journey.
We charge waiting time in 15 minute increments if applicable to your journey but there is no extra charge for delayed flights.
Payments can be made by BACS transfer, securely by card through our booking portals, with cash, cheque, with a credit/debit card over the phone or in the car with one of our terminals & of course invoices & receipts can be issued.